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Capri Makes Peeps for Pups for Easter
One of the most popular ways to celebrate Easter is candy. Although dogs can’t have candy, I still wanted to celebrate with my dog Marshmallow. I…

Capri’s Comfort Kitchen on WFMJ: Ohio Buckeye Pie
It’s one of Capri’s favorite days and recipes: Ohio Buckeye Pie, as shared with WFMJ 21 Youngstown on National Pie Day. You can make this delicious…

Capri Makes Oklahoma Pecan Pie for National Pie Day
In celebration of National Pie Day, I shared with News Channel 8 Tulsa an easy and absolutely delicious recipe for Oklahoma Pecan Pie with Chocolate Cookie…

Capri for Great Lakes Now: Bugs, Shorter Winters, Climate & Great Lakes Vineyards
Great Lakes vineyards are facing changing circumstances, as warmer weather and new pests ranging from fungus to yellow jackets are straining grape plants’ ability to survive…

Capri in Current: A podcast adapted for public radio explores Midwestern food and cultural traditions
Current featured Capri and her podcast, Eat Your Heartland Out — exploring the food and culture of the Midwest, with the aim to bring people together…